Charapa has undertaken or contributed to the following tasks:
Shandia Annual Report 2023
Report prepared for the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities. See more at:
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the context of Fisheries
Paper prepared for the Danish Institute for Human Rights. See more at:
https://www.humanrights.dkIndigenous Peoples’ Customary Fishing Rights
Indigenous Peoples’ Tenure Rights and Forest Guardianship
Facilitation of process with 200+ indigenous peoples’ organisations to assess principles, standards and modalities for supporting indigenous peoples’ tenure rights and forest guardianship. See more at:
The Indigenous Navigator
Charapa has worked with AIPP, FPP, ILO, IWGIA and Tebtebba Foundation to develop tools for monitoring the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The tools can be found here:
UN-REDD Panama Programme
Independent Investigation and Evaluation of the UN-REDD Panama Programme (2013)
Guide on Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights
A comprehensive guidebook, based on the work of UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Professor James Anaya
ILC position paper: indigenous peoples’ rights to land, territories and natural resources
See more at:
Rapporteur at the first global IFAD Indigenous Peoples Forum (2013), and drafting of IFAD Guidance Note on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (2014)
See more at:
Forum report:
Evaluation of the Project “Protecting the Rainforest in Selva Central”,
Rainforest Foundation UK & Central Asháninka del Rio Ene
UNDP Policy of Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: report of achievements, bottlenecks and opportunities in the promotion of indigenous peoples’ rights.
Catalogue of ideas for supporting indigenous peoples of the Arctic Region, Greenland Government
World Bank Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development
African Regional Case Studies on Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Traditional Knowledge and Adaptation Strategies
Assignment undertaken in partnership with Legal Assistance Center (Namibia), MPIDO (Kenya) and Rainforest Foundation (UK)
Guidance Note on consultation with indigenous peoples, Office of the High Commisioner for Human Rights
Elaboration of a Handbook on ILO Convention No. 169, with a particular focus on indigenous peoples’ right to consultation
Evaluation of the land rights programme of Partners of Community Organisations (PACOS), Sabah, Malaysia
Mid-term review of the Norwegian-funded Programa Maya, Guatemala
Evaluation of Philippines Indigenous Peoples Link (PIPLinks)
Facilitation of Strategy development, Verdens Skove (Forests of the World)
Evaluation of the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Review of Strategy for Danish support to indigenous peoples, 2001-10.
The review documents results of the last ten years implementation of the Danish Strategy in international
processes, bi- and multilateral cooperation and provides recommendations for future support.
See the report at:…/ReviewStrategyIndigenouspeoples.pdf
Evaluation, EC-funded projects for indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
Evaluation of project to establish forest corridors on indigenous peoples´ ancestral domains and review of the broader portfolio of projects funded by the European Commission to support indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
Towards a framework for assessing the application of indigenous peoples’ rights.
Birgitte Feiring was facilitator and rapporteur of the Technical Expert Meeting “Keeping track: indicators,
mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights”.
The meeting discussed the guiding principles and basic features of a common assessment framework for
monitoring the application of indigenous peoples’ rights at global scale. Key conclusions and recommendations are available at:
Hydropower and indigenous peoples’ rights.
A comparative analysis of instruments, responsibilities and good practices to respect indigenous peoples’ rigths
in the context of hydropower projects, undertaken for NORAD.
The analysis focuses on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the ILO COnventrion NO. 169,
the IFC Performance Standard No. 7 and the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP).
Download the report: Report IFC 7- C169 – HSAP FINAL.doc
Review of Strategy for Danish support to indigenous peoples, 2001-10.
The review documents results of the last ten years implementation of the Danish Strategy in international
processes, bi- and multilateral cooperation and provides recommendations for future support.
See the report at:…/ReviewStrategyIndigenouspeoples.pdf
Evaluation, EC-funded projects for indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
Evaluation of project to establish forest corridors on indigenous peoples´ ancestral domains and review of the broader portfolio of projects funded by the European Commission to support indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
Towards a framework for assessing the application of indigenous peoples’ rights.
Birgitte Feiring was facilitator and rapporteur of the Technical Expert Meeting “Keeping track: indicators,
mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights”.
The meeting discussed the guiding principles and basic features of a common assessment framework for
monitoring the application of indigenous peoples’ rights at global scale. Key conclusions and recommendations are available at:
Hydropower and indigenous peoples’ rights.
A comparative analysis of instruments, responsibilities and good practices to respect indigenous peoples’ rigths
in the context of hydropower projects, undertaken for NORAD.
The analysis focuses on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the ILO COnventrion NO. 169,
the IFC Performance Standard No. 7 and the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP).
Download the report: Report IFC 7- C169 – HSAP FINAL.doc