Birgitte Feiring is the author, co-author or editor of a series of publications on human rights, development, Indigenous Peoples’ rights and labour standards.
Please note that many of these publications are also available in Spanish and French.
Key Issues and Cases regarding Indigenous Peoples’ Customary Fishing Rights
Indigenous peoples’ rights & Fisheries
Directing Funds to Rights: Principles, Standards and Modalities for supporting Indigenous Peoples’ Tenure Rights and Forest Guardianship
Directing Funds to Rights – Full report
An assessment of UN agencies’ support to Indigenous Peoples over the last decade, with a series of recommendations for further action.
UN and IPs in Developing Countries – An Evolving Partnership
UN-REDD, FCPC and BMZ: Participation and Consultation Standards, Guidelines and Country Experiences
Prepared for BMZ/FCPF/UN-REDD JOINT EXPERT WORKSHOP, Weilburg Castle, September 2013
Final Input_Paper_I_Birgitte_Feiring
Independent investigation and evaluation of the UN-REDD Panama Program:
UNREDD_PB11_Investigation report_Panama_EN
UNREDD_PB11_Mid-term Evaluation_Panama_EN
International Land Coalition Study: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land, Territories and Resources (ILC, 2013)
Handbook on ILO Convention No. 169
on indigenous and tribal peoples
(ILO, 2013)
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Africa:
traditional knowledge and adaptation strategies
(Charapa Consult, 2012)
Indigenous and tribal peoples’ rights in practice
– a guide to ILO Convention No. 169 (ILO, 2009)
Improving the Impact of International Labour Standards through Technical Cooperation – a Practice Guide
Prepared for the International Labour Standards Department, 2008
Best practices for including indigenous
peoples in sector programme support
(Danida, 2004)
Danida toolkit, including IPs in sector programming.pdf
Including indigenous peoples in poverty reduction strategies
(ILO, 2008)
Including Indigenous Peoples in Poverty Reduction.pdf
Eliminating discrimination against indigenous and tribal
peoples in employment and occupation
– a guide to ILO Convention No. 111
(ILO, 2007).
Guide to ILO Convention No 111 on discrimination.pdf
Guidelines for combating child labour among indigenous and
tribal peoples
(ILO, 2006)
Guidelines for combating Child Labour among indigenous and tribal peoples.pdf
Indigenous peoples and poverty;
the cases of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
(Minority Rights Group, 2003)…/indigenous-peoples-and-poverty…
Birgitte Feiring is the author, co-author or editor of a series of publications on indigenous peoples’ rights.
Please note that most of these are also available in Spanish and French.
Handbook on ILO Convention No. 169
on indigenous and tribal peoples
(ILO, 2013)
Africa IPs CC adaption
– (…)
(…, 2012)
Indigenous and tribal peoples’ rights in practice
– a guide to ILO Convention No. 169
(ILO, 2009)
Best practices for including indigenous
peoples in sector programme support
(Danida, 2004)
Danida toolkit, including IPs in sector programming.pdf
Including indigenous peoples in poverty reduction strategies
(ILO, 2008)
Including Indigenous Peoples in Poverty Reduction.pdf
Eliminating discrimination against indigenous and tribal
peoples in employment and occupation
– a guide to ILO Convention No. 111
(ILO, 2007).
Guide to ILO Convention No 111 on discrimination.pdf
Guidelines for combating child labour among indigenous and
tribal peoples
(ILO, 2006)
Guidelines for combating Child Labour among indigenous and tribal peoples.pdf
Indigenous peoples and poverty;
the cases of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
(Minority Rights Group, 2003)…/indigenous-peoples-and-poverty…