Individual Workshop Reports

Summary reports that include the specific recommendations from each event and workshop, are available here:

Informal meeting with the chairmanship of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

On 25 August, Charapa held an informal meeting with the chairmanship of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, to share information and get observations about the process to assess principles, standards and modalities for support to indigenous peoples. See: Report Informal Meeting with UNPFII

Africa Regional Workshop, with REPALEAC, Cameroon, 16-17 August, 2022

In order to gather input from Indigenous Peoples in tropical and subtropical forest areas in Africa, the African members of the Reference Group convened a regional workshop, in collaboration with Réseau des Populations Autochtones et Locales pour la gestion durable des Ecosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale (REPALEAC).

The overall objective of the workshop was to identify principles, standards and modalities for external support, based on the experiences and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples from tropical and subtropical forest areas of Africa. The key messages from the workshop are put forward as recommendations for consideration by the donor group. See:

COICA Workshop, 11-12 August 2022, BOLIVIA

On 11-12 August, Charapa conducted a workshop with the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin (COICA). See:

Report of the COICA workshop

Asia Regional Workshop, with Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organisation, Cambodia 31 July – 2 August 2022

The Asia regional workshop was organized by the Asian members of the Reference Group, in collaboration with Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization.

The overall objective was to identify principles, standards and modalities for external support, based on the experiences and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples from tropical and subtropical forest areas of Asia. The key messages from the workshop are put forward as recommendations for consideration by the donor group. See:

Event during the Africa Protected Areas Conference, Co-organised with IMPACT, Rwanda 16-17 July, 2022

In the context of the Africa Protected Areas Conference, the Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT) in collaboration with Charapa Consult two dialogue meetings with indigenous leaders from anglophone and francophone Africa on 17 and 19 July, respectively. See:

Latin America Regional Workshop with Foro Indígena de Abya Yale, El Salvador, 7-8 July 2022

The regional workshop for Latin America took place from 7-8 July in El Salvador, co-organised between the Foro Indígena de Abya Yala  and Charapa. The overall objective was to identify principles, standards and modalities for external support to Indigenous Peoples’ tenure rights and forest guardianship, based on the experiences and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples from tropical and subtropical forest areas of Latin America. See:

Report Latin America regional workshop

Events during the EMRIP Session, Geneva 4th and 5th July 2022

During the 15th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), Charapa Consult organized two events for English and Spanish/French speaking Indigenous representatives from forest areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America, respectively. The events convened a total of 43 participants who discussed: 1) preferred modalities for channeling funds to Indigenous Peoples, 2) current obstacles for accessing funds, and 3) key messages to donors. See:

Workshop with the Tenure Facility, Stockholm, 6th June 2022

Charapa Consult and The Tenure Facility organized a half-day workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, on the 6th June, 2022. The workshop convened 30 indigenous peoples’ representatives, donors and support organisations to discuss experiences, lessons learned and ways forward for supporting indigenous peoples’ tenure rights and forest guardianship. Participants identified a series of key messages to guide the operationalization of the Pledge. See: 

Key messages Stockholm workshop June 6 2022

Paper on conflict sensitivity and conflict transformation

Paper prepared by Mrinal Tripura, Maleya Foundation, Bangladesh on the need for context-specific conflict analysis and conflict transformation.

Conflict sensitivity and conflict transformation